Renaming Columns with Python Dictionaries


Maangi Josiah


November 6, 2023

Import the required libraries

import pandas as pd
import os

Create a simple customer information data-frame

data = {
    'given name': ['Josiah', 'Fred', 'Julie'],
    'family name': ['Maangi', 'Juma', 'Musau'],
    'phone':[25471234, 25472345,25473456],
    'email': ['', '',''],
    'sex': ['M','M','F'],
    'town': ['Nairobi', 'Kisumu', 'Mombasa']

customer_df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Here is how our small data-frame looks:

given name family name phone email sex town
0 Josiah Maangi 25471234 M Nairobi
1 Fred Juma 25472345 M Kisumu
2 Julie Musau 25473456 F Mombasa

Make a copy of customer_df

customer_df_copy = customer_df.copy()

How I want to Rename my columns

I will rename my columns as below:

  • given name to First Name
  • family name to Last Name
  • town to City

Rename a single column

To rename columns, we use the rename function from pandas as follows.

The column we want to rename(given name) will be on the left, and the new name we want to assign to this column(Family Name) will be on the right. The two names should be separated by a colon.

The inplace = True argument means this change happen with our customer_df_copy.

customer_df_copy.rename(columns = {'given name': 'Family Name'}, inplace = True)

Rename multiple columns at once

customer_df_copy.rename(columns = {'given name': 'Family Name', 'town': 'City'}, inplace = True)

Create a dictionary of column mappings from an excel/csv file

Imagine a scenario where you have to rename about 15 columns every time you receive files from a given customers. Using the above approach is not only manual but prone to errors. Since this is a repetitive process;

  • I will create a file with customer - company column mappings,

  • convert it into a dictionary, and

  • use it to rename files as below.

client to company column mapping


# reading in my column mapping file
mapping = pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\ADMIN\Downloads\col_mapping.xlsx")

# creating a data dictionary
col_mapping_dict = mapping.set_index('customer_details')['company_mapping'].to_dict()

Rename using provided column mappings

# I will make a copy of my customer_df again
renamed_df = customer_df.copy()

#then rename it
renamed_df.rename(columns = col_mapping_dict, inplace = True)

Here is a view of our customer_df vs our renamed_df.

Table 1: Master to renamed

(a) customer_df
given name family name phone email sex town
Josiah Maangi 25471234 M Nairobi
Fred Juma 25472345 M Kisumu
Julie Musau 25473456 F Mombasa
(b) renamed_df
First Name Last Name Phone No Email address Gender City
Josiah Maangi 25471234 M Nairobi
Fred Juma 25472345 M Kisumu
Julie Musau 25473456 F Mombasa